The Survivor's Den

Grid Power: Connecting Your Base

  1. Find a Functional Pole: About 80% of the Power Line Poles on this server are usable. Look for a button on top (and possibly pre-installed outlets). That’s your clue it’s functional.
  2. Wear a Hazmat Suit (Recommended): Hazmat Suit Wearing a Hazmat Suit helps protect you from electrocution when handling live poles and transformers.
  3. Ladder Up: Deploy a Ladder on the pole—even if the guide appears red. Ignore any “failed deployment” messages; it’s just a client‑side quirk.
  4. Set Up the Transformer: Each Transformer can hold up to 4 outlets (Root Combiners). Insert them by right‑clicking or dragging a Root Combiner into the Fuse Box.
  5. Insert a Fuse: Place a Fuse in the Transformer’s Fuse Box to power it. Fuses here last about 12 hours by default.
  6. Always-On Power: On this server, the Grid never turns off. Once fused, the Transformer provides a steady power flow day and night.
  7. Connect Your Base: Use your Wire Tool to link from any Outlet on the Transformer to your devices (like Batteries or other electrical components).
  8. Beware of High Voltage: If the Transformer is live and you lack protective gear (Hazmat Suit), you risk electrocution when connecting or removing wires/outlets. Remove the Fuse first or wear the suit to stay safe.

Follow these steps for a reliable, always‑on power supply for your base. Enjoy the Grid Power plugin!